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Why I'm Buying Skyrim (AGAIN) on Nintendo Switch

On Friday Skyrim will be releasing for Nintendo Switch. Who would have guessed that six years after it's initial release, that the game would once again be coming to a platform for the first time. Personally, and I'm sure many of you are in the same situation, I have purchased the game on multiple different platforms over the past six years and will be once again throwing my money at Bethesda on 11/17/17. Why exactly would I spend $60 on a game that I already own on 5 other platforms? 
  • Portability
    • From the moment I first learned that Skyrim would be coming to the Nintendo Switch I instantly knew that I would be buying the game again. Since the release of the Switch in March I have experienced numerous hours of game-play both at home and on the go. The versatility of the system to be played docked or in portable mode is the systems best feature and I believe this will work perfectly for a game like Skyrim. Skyrim is one of those games that you sit down and play for hours yet it is always easy to save and stop at any moment you need to. When I sit down to play Skyrim yet again on Friday, I know that I will greatly enjoy being able to take my game with me when I have to run out the door. 
  • Motion controls
    • When I think of good video games I think about it's ability to make me feel like I am part of it's world. Skyrim did an excellent job at that back in 2011 and it continues to do that today. The addition of motion controllers for spell casting or sword swinging will only add to the immersion that Skyrim already excels at. I also have full confidence that these motion controls will be well incorporated due to my experience with Super Mario Odyssey (I actually play with the motion controls more than with the joycons in the controller grip).
  • To Support Third Parties Who Work With Nintendo
    • One of the biggest complaints among Nintendo haters everywhere is that Nintendo products often have a small lineup of games and no support from third parties. These problems are two of the biggest reasons that the Wii U was such a disaster. With the Switch, Nintendo has been working very hard to correct this issue and Bethesda was one of the first companies to buy in. I personally want to show my support for these companies, just as I wanted to show my support for having no region lock by purchasing Monster Hunter XX in Japanese.
  • Amiibo Compatibility.
    • Skyrim is filled with different armors and weapons, but can you imagine battling a dragon with the Master Sword? Skyrim will have Amiibo compatibility on the Nintendo
      Switch allowing new elements to be added to the game that cannot be experienced on other platforms. It's little features like this that will make this new play through unlike any other that I have had previously.

Are you still not convinced or do you disagree with me? Leave a comment on this post about why you will or will not be buying Skyrim again on Friday! We would love to hear from you!


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